Proctor & Gamble is seeking an end-user self-serve MDM solution focused on 360 analytical use cases that is intuitive to use, enables near real time usability within reports, and is fully integrated into the P&G tech stack and BI tools.
Daikin’s Open Innovation Lab invites startups of all stages and from all over the world to submit ideas and insights to collaborate and help develop solutions that can provide HVAC services and solutions fit for the remote/hybrid working world amid the current pandemic environment and thereafter.
Fujitsu Limited(“Fujitsu”) would like to solicit applications from interested members of the industry and academia to test the quantum simulator on novel problems and applications.
P&G would like to partner or create a “living lab” to conduct real-time research and understand chores tensions, desires and overall drivers of habit changes across the household.
P&G LATAM is looking to better understand the emerging landscape of creators and influencers and identify new ways to collaborate to drive brand growth.
P&G is looking for new approaches and technologies that can help them to address key business challenges/opportunities.
Senior executives from TOTAL will be visiting MIT from Oct 8-10 for the purpose of exploring potential partnerships with MIT startups. The goal of October’s visit is to meet experts that can help to find the best way to enhance Data Management (DM) practices throughout TOTAL entities. Data must be managed effectively and valued to maximize its business impact. Attendees from TOTAL include Michel Lutz, Group Data Officer, and Gaile Lejay, Business analyst.
P&G LATAM seeks emerging technology and solutions that can help them further optimize their retail marketing and understand performance and sales uplift.