Leading steel manufacturer looking for rebar coating solutions to reduce rust.
THK, a global leader in manufacturing, is seeking startups to solve several manufacturing challenges to improve quality, cost and throughput of our products.
The CEO of the Italian packaging/bottling company Sacmi Imola will visit MIT on October 22. They are looking for startups for potential collaborations in robotics or software development.
Looking for 8-10 startups to present their tech on March 16 at the 2022 MIT Manufacturing Conference: Disruption as the New Normal.
PTT, a Thailand-based energy company, seeks startups in hydrocarbon disruption, circular economy, and manufacturing technologies. They will visit MIT campus on Oct 16-17.
Gerdau logistics team is looking for solutions that can help them with outbound logistics, demand planning and supply chain.
P&G is looking for partners and solutions that support the deactivation, reduction, or elimination of airborne enzyme particles within production environments across operations.