Join MIT Sloan Lecturer Miro Kazakoff on Tuesday, November 10 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM for a free workshop on developing your sales tactics.
P&G LATAM is looking to better understand the emerging landscape of creators and influencers and identify new ways to collaborate to drive brand growth.
Johnson Matthey, a leading sustainable technologies company, seeks startups in artificial intelligence and automation for collaboration.
FM Global is a mutually-owned, commercial, property-risk insurer based out of Johnston, Rhode Island, United States. We are a non-traditional insurer, focused on engineering analysis to determine premium and risk. FM Global believes that majority of losses are preventable. Historically, FM Global has focused on sprinklers and other conventional loss prevention technologies.
Looking for 10 Startups to present during Startup Lighting Talks and participate at the lunch Exhibit on April 4, 2023 at the 2023 MIT Health Science Technology Conference.
P&G LATAM seeks emerging technology and solutions that can help them further optimize their retail marketing and understand performance and sales uplift.