Katharine Sepp, Co-founder & CEO, Oxalys Pharmaceuticals
Sompo Japan Insurance seeks Startups in AgTech, Energy, and IoT
The Startup Exchange team is looking for 10 Startups to present and exhibit at the conference.
Sanofi is sponsoring an inaugural global Golden Ticket Competition that will award three promising startup companies a one-year pre-paid residence at one of three sponsored BioLabs sites.
This year’s theme will be built around ensuring the durability of the energy transition in the face of future unknowns.
Startup Lightning Talks
Hear from distinguished MIT faculty and startups on topics such as recent advances in precision medicine for a more targeted and personalized treatment, immunotherapy to fight cancer cells, gene therapy, AI to improve diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes, and more.
Startup Lightning Talks - 2022 MIT Health Science Technologies Conference The Future of Cell & Gene Therapies
Startup Lightning Talks presented at the 2024 MIT Tokyo Life Science Symposium.