Active dates:

April 4, 2022 - April 4, 2022
STEX25 Participation:
April 4, 2022 - December 31, 2024
Company information

3 Gill Street, Suite D
Woburn, MA 01801
United States

Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch

VEIR’s mission is to revolutionize the future of power and data infrastructure by delivering superconducting solutions that drive unparalleled performance in AI-driven data centers and empower utilities to deliver expanded, accessible, and resilient energy solutions.


Conventional technology cannot meet the complex power and infrastructure needs of data centers, renewable generation, and power grid expansion. VEIR’s advanced conductors & cooling systems eliminate the restrictions that delay new data center construction: increasing transmission capacity, removing power delivery bottlenecks, and enabling better performing solutions with simpler designs.
Technology Description

Technology Description

VEIR started with a focus on solving critical problems in high voltage, overhead grid distribution and transmission applications. Previous generations of superconducting power lines use complex, closed loop, active nitrogen cooling systems that limit their use to short-distance underground applications. In outdoor applications, VEIR uses a simple, open loop, passive nitrogen cooling system where distributed evaporation delivers 20x the cooling power per kilogram of liquid nitrogen coolant.

VEIR is now also developing products to solve critical bottlenecks in data center and industrial customer behind the meter applications at lower voltages (indoors and outside).